
Showing posts from September, 2018

Blog Post #1

Seeing as how technology has evolved over the years it's easy to note that society has evolved with it. Anything can be done with a simple click of a button whether it be ordering food, order an uber, buying essential and non-essential items it can all be done on a small device. It is our life source, it's impossible to ignore. Such a small device compacted of various features allowing us to socialize with our friends, keep in touch with long distance relatives. All our memories stored in such a small object with such a large space. How can it be that this sole object that is meant to make our life easier be the cause of our sadness and loneliness. It allows us to stay in touch with multiple people all at once without having to step outside our bedroom doors. How can it be that even though we are talking everyday, keeping in touch over every event that happens in our life. No matter how little it is we chose to present this information to one another it still isn't enough f
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